Thursday, October 23, 2014

Bug Stomping Simulator 2015 Final

Have you ever been annoyed by bugs? Have you ever wanted to stomp on them? Well now you can. Welcome to Bug Stomping Simulator 2015. A realistic Bug Stomping game. A true next-gen experience. Feel the rush of stomping on bugs. The thrill of destroying those pesky creatures, Unlimited amounts of bugs. Hours of fun. Play it now, you won't regret it.

Download it here:

From the day H&M was formed we have strived for innovation. When Gravedigger contacted us about a partnership we couldn't say no. Together we made Bug Stomping Simulator 2015.
We started by assigning roles. Hannah, H&M's lead programmer was obviously the coder. Max, H&M's designer and coder was of course the Master. Then there was Connor, Gravedigger's CEO and founder. He was the designer and complainer,
Then we each headed out to complete our tasks. Hannah coded and coded for days. Max controlled the people and made sure everyone was doing something. He also helped where help was needed. Connor complained and found one picture, and coded one thing. Together we made the best mobile game since Angry Birds.

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