I will be reviewing Pentagram Design Consultancy. They have created many logos including Verizon and fantastic Beasts, Each logo is very different. The fantastic beasts logo has a much different look than the Verizon logo The have also made DC, windows, and some other noteworthy companies logos. Most of the logos contain words and imagery that really grab your attention. This is used to grab the attention of the people. They want to attract people to whatever the company is selling, offering, or doing.
The portfolio of Pentagram is filled with carious logos in a sort of un organized manner. Some are filled with images while others are just text. Some are for TV or movies while others are for companies. One is even for a school! I don't really like the design of the site however. It seems messy and overwhelming. I love the art and the logos but the design of the site is not that nice.
Pentagrams designs don't really have a common theme behind them. I mean look at the new school logo compared to fantastic beasts, they are completely different. They don;t really share anything except for the fact that they are text and each have the color black. Some of the logos share a little bit more in common, Like the Windows logo and the Verizon logo and even the new school logo. Each logo is text on a white background. While others like the Philadelphia Museum of Art and the Saturday Night Live 40th season logos have nothing in common at all.
The example I will be reviewing is the DC Entertainment Logo. The logo is a very simple logo. Its Two big blue letters inside a blue circle on a white background. It isn't much but its the logo of one of the biggest comic book companies around. It was created mostly to brand comic books, they use a different logo in front of their movies. It gives off a very bold message. A message that they are powerful and awesome. Bolded letters show power or strength. They jump out at you. The logo jumps out at you. You instantly get drawn to the DC. I like this logo. It is small but still holds power.
I really like the designers designs. They are all different and they are all good. Each logo has a distinct feel and makes you want to learn more. Where this designer fails is in the website. I really dislike the look and feel of the website. It doesn't sell me on wanting them to make me a logo. They just throw at you a bunch of examples in an unorganized way. Some people may like it but I don't. The designer is good at what they do but they just need a better site.
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