Monday, October 17, 2016

CGI Film Review

I am going to review AMP by Adam Morisett.  
The first thing that I noticed in the film was the dystopian city. They created a large realistic looking city in the background that helped create the story and the universe. A little bit into the movie they had a very cool looking robot that looked real.

Possibly how they did the city backdrop
The first CGI that they utilized was creating the 2D city for the background of a lot of scenes. They created a very realistic looking city. It looked dystopian and futuristic. The city had many tall buildings with a tower with some guys name on the side. Kind of looked like trump tower. Since blender is the only program that we have learned and it most defiantly wasn't made using MS paint  they most likely used blender or photoshop. It could have been done with a green screen and a drawing.

The second very impressive CGI is the Robot. He was a very realistic cool looking robot. He was pretty much in every scene. They probably made him and the dog bot in blender because that really is the best option. You could always MS paint it but to the right you see how that turns out. They probably created multiple parts to create the robot in blender. Then most likely with the use of a mo cap suit animated him and threw him on a real life person.

The mood of the film was hope. The whole premise of the film was fighting against the power. At the beginning the characters were talking about an oppressive government and that these people are living outside the law. They found something that attracts the government and want to use it to bring down the oppression. They use dark and evil looking outfits for the government officials to show that they are the bad people. They use a brighter, but still dark, color for the good guys.

The CGI in this film added to the film and made it amazing. They used it to bring you to this world and show you the effects of the government. If they didn't use it then the movie would have looked cheap and the robot wouldn't have existed. It was a cool looking movie and the CGI didn't take away from it. The creator was able to use CGI to create this elaborate world in the span of a couple minutes..

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

3D Game Design Review

I am going to be looking at the 3D imaging in Star Wars battlefront. I picked this game because the graphics and sounds are amazing even thought the game isn't that good. They went to all the real movie locations and looked at all the original props to try and make it as authentic as possible. The took pictures and videos of the actual locations and then used #D technology to put it in the game. This allowed them to make a realistic looking map to battle in.
They combined 3D imaging with the amazing sounds to give you the feeling of being in the star wars universe. The sound team created sounds that were on the same level as the visuals of the game. I can see the map designers and sound team getting together and trying to find the perfect sound for the maps.Then the sound team goes and puts the sound in at the best parts.
I think it would be an interesting job to work in a 3D design environment, It would be stressful because of time constraints so i wouldn't be able to achieve a level of perfection. EA has very strict schedules that you have to keep with so that would be hard. I don't see myself working there because I don't want to work for EA.